Category Archives: Uncategorized

Trail Work and Pandemic News 11/17/20

Even during the pandemic Santa Fe’s trails are undergoing care. Tim Roger’s ( work crews are limited to five but continue to improve trails in La Tierra, Dale Ball, Sun Mountain and Atalaya. Please let him know if you’d like … Continue reading

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Trails During the Pandemic

Most of us have seen an uptick in trail use during the pandemic shutdown. Parking lots are full to over-flowing. We have lots of trails to spread out on and folks are used to moving off the trail as they … Continue reading

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The Santa Fe Ultra Needs Volunteers

Hello trail lovers, on Saturday August 31 people will be coming from all over the country and even 5 Tarahumara runners from Copper Canyon in Mexico to run the Endurance Santa Fe Mountain Trail Races. We need a few more … Continue reading

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Another Resource for Finding Trail Conditions

Every hiker has set out on a trail only to discover that conditions were other than expected, even if the hiker was familiar with the trail from past visits or from consulting a hiking guide. Access roads, trailheads, creek crossing, … Continue reading

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Disappearing Dirt

On the La Tierra Trails, mitigating chronic erosion has been an evolutionary process. Dirt grade reversals (i.e. building up dirt berms across a trail to divert water) have not held up. They disappear after just one season. Lately we’ve experimented … Continue reading

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1000 hours – Thanks Mizzou Students and Mentors!!

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”5″ gal_title=”Mizzou work at GBP”] During the week of March 25, 2019, 12 students from the University of Missouri — or Mizzou, as they like to be called — along with their chaparones, journeyed to Santa Fe to complete … Continue reading

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Wider and Wider, Uglier and Uglier

Our local trails are just drying out from the snow melt, however, mud season will last off and on through the monsoons.  Everyone knows about growing an inch or more as mud gloms onto the bottom of shoes.  What folks … Continue reading

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New Year Reminder and News

Every month the Trails Alliance of Santa Fe meets at lunch to discuss our favorite subject, trails. ( Il Vicino, noon, on the first Monday of the month to be precise). To us, trails are dirt, narrow, sustainable, scenic, and … Continue reading

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Now you can report trail damage!

You are on a trail. An aspen has fallen across the trail that’s too big to move. What do you do? The old way was to try to figure out if you’re on county land, city land, national forest land, … Continue reading

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Get that Goathead

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”2″ gal_title=”Goat Heads”] Lately the Santa Fe New Mexican has been full of articles on the question “what’s a weed,” with many definitions of what constitutes a nuisance. I happen to be a devotee of wildflowers, native plants, and … Continue reading

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