Category Archives: Uncategorized

Cows and Trails

Now that the Forest Service trails are open again, it’s time to talk about cows. Mostly cows are gentle creatures, however at least one report of injuries from an attacking cow occurred in July. A nervous cow with a calf … Continue reading

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Santa Fe National Forest is Now Open – (as of July 9, 2018)

Due to several days of higher humidity and rain, the Santa Fe National Forest (SFNF) will lift the closure order and stage 2 fire restrictions on Monday, July 9 at 8:00 a.m. for the first time since entering full forest … Continue reading

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6/1/2018 – Trails closed in and around the Santa Fe National Forest

Due to high fire potential, all trails in the Santa Fe National Forest (details) and some trails in adjacent Santa Fe County Open Space (details) and are closed until further notice. If you want to read an interesting article on … Continue reading

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On June 20

  we headed over to work on a trail in Santa Fe Estates that continues the alignment of the Arbolitos Trail to connect to the top of the paved Canada Rincon Trail – a significant link for the GUSTO initiative … Continue reading

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6/15/2018 Workday at La Tierra

  Tim met up with five volunteers at La Tierra Trails the morning of June 13, including three members of the Trails Alliance of Santa Fe and two new recruits. We removed loose rocks from the tread and improved storm … Continue reading

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5/30/2018 Workday at Tano Rd and Ridge Top Rd

  6 volunteers led by Tim Rogers showed up and did maintenance on the trail from the corner of Ridge Top road and Tano Road that connects up with the la Tierra trail system. Signs should be going up soon … Continue reading

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5/2/2018 Workday at Cerro Gordo

9 hardy souls put in some new signs and did a lot of rock work on the new trail from the parking lot to Dale Ball Central. The photo show some of the large rock work done by the group. … Continue reading

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Volunteers needed May 26th for the “Horse Versus Runner Trail Marathon”

The event will be held at the Caja del Rio and the organizers are in need of 5-6 groups of 4 people to run aid stations on May 26. Any and all volunteers are most welcome and revered. If you … Continue reading

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Update on the Chili Line

Margaret Alexander Last fall I promised to check out the Chili Line Trail at the end of Buckman Road at the Rio Grande. A group of us did, but never found the trail. Instead we hiked south along the river … Continue reading

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Trail Color Notes, Fall 2017

Margaret Alexander Don’t tell anyone but the aspen’s transformation into  golden glory has been slightly disappointing in the last couple of years.  Blame caterpillars, fungus, and warm weather I guess.  Another tree has been fantastic year after year for fall … Continue reading

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