Now you can report trail damage!

You are on a trail. An aspen has fallen across the trail that’s too big to move. What do you do? The old way was to try to figure out if you’re on county land, city land, national forest land, Nature Conservancy land and then try to figure out how to send the appropriate land manager a message about the problem.

The new, improved way to alert land managers about trail problems is simply go to the Trails Alliance of Santa Fe website or click on the “To Report Trail Damage” link on the right side of our home page. TAOSF volunteers will direct your message to the right land manager. All you have to do is answer a few questions which can help to get the repairs done.

The recent rains have created many new gullies and rough spots on our trails. Expert mountain bike riders may find these new hazards thrilling, but most riders and hikers are having a hard time staying upright. TAOSF volunteers work on trails to make them safer, not easier. If you want to learn more about trail work, please come at lunch time to Il Vicino on the first Monday of each month and meet TAOSF volunteers

Margaret Alexander

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