1000 hours – Thanks Mizzou Students and Mentors!!

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During the week of March 25, 2019, 12 students from the University of Missouri — or Mizzou, as they like to be called — along with their chaparones, journeyed to Santa Fe to complete a service work project during their spring break.  Over five days, these hardy and fun-loving students tackled some of the most pressing maintenance projects at the Galisteo Basin Preserve, including building rock check dams, shoring up arroyo headcuts that were undercutting trails, and fixing erosion issues on several GBP hike/bike and multi-use trails, such as the Eliza’s Ridge Trail, Shepard’s Trail, Sophie’s Spur, South Wagon Trail and Heisenberg’s Uncertainty. They were expertly led by Peter Prince — who coordinated their service project at GBP — as well as other highly experienced crew leaders from the Santa Fe Fat Tire Society: Dean Fry, Henry Lanman, Pat Brown and Tim Fowler.  Incredibly over the five-day period, they completed 792 volunteer hours at the Preserve!  When their volunteer hours are added to the hours put in by their crew leaders from SFFTS, over 1000 hours of volunteer maintenance work was completed at the GBP.  This is the second highest level of volunteer work ever completed on a Santa Fe area trail — just behind the Hustle and Flow trail at La Tierra Trails that was built over a 3 week period. The SFFTS has designated all the students honorary club members to celebrate their extraordinary efforts at GBP!

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